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Our Mission: Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better.

ATD Greater Boston is the local chapter for the Association for Talent Development.

ATD (Association for Talent Development) is the world’s largest association dedicated to workplace learning and performance professionals. ATD’s members come from more than 100 countries and connect locally in more than 130 U.S. chapters and with more than 30 international partners. Members work in thousands of organizations of all sizes, in government, as independent consultants, and suppliers.

Started in 1943, in recent years ATD has widened the profession’s focus to link learning and performance to individual and organizational results, and is a sought-after voice on critical public policy issues.


  • Provides resources for learning and performance professionals, educators, and students research, analysis, benchmarking, online information, books, and other publications
  • Brings professionals together in conferences, workshops, and online
  • Offers professional development opportunities for learning practitioners, from a Job Bank and Career Center, to certificate programs and the the only credential offered in the field: the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP)
  • Serves as the voice of the profession to the media and to public policy makers in the U.S., and collaborates with other associations, organizations, and educational institutions to advance the profession
  • Recognizes excellence and sets the standard for best practices in learning and performance
  • Our mission: Through exceptional learning and performance, we create a world that works better.
Chapter Bylaws


  • The best part of the program was the: "Mix of great topics with networking before and between speakers."
  • Tech Talk: "I like the idea of being exposed to different training tools." "I enjoyed and learned from the Tech Talk portion of the meeting..."
  • Key Note Topic:" The topic got me thinking and very enthusiastic about creating my own brand."
  • Networking: "I met several contacts that are able to provide me with resources that will help me in my current role."

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