Donuts, Cider, & Coffee
(& how we train teens, seniors, and everybody in-between at over 10,000 locations)
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Dunkin Brands World Headquarters
130 Royall Street
Canton, MA
As we all know, the New England area is full of tradition; a walk on the Common, leaf-peeping in Maine, a night at Fenway, weekends on Cape Cod, rooting for the Pats. And yes, going through your local Dunkin’ drive thru!!!
We are thrilled to offer an evening with Dunkin’ Brands, a New England institution familiar to all. For our October event, Dunkin’ will take us behind the scenes, showing us how they train masses of employees and associates at franchise locations throughout the world.
Dunkin has arranged for a lineup of presenters who will describe the challenges they face and how they are meeting those challenges. And in case you’re thinking that running a coffee & donut shop is pretty easy stuff, Dunkin Brands administers a Learning Management System with over 150,000 learners! How’s that for a double extra large box of Joe??
Here some other things you will learn at this event:
● Who is Dunkin’ Brands? What are the learning challenges of a franchisor-franchisee relationship?
● How does Dunkin’ Brands create and distribute learning across such a wide geography and diverse demographic?
● Who are the people that comprise the Learning department at Dunkin’ Brands, and what do they do?
Sounds like a pretty entertaining and educational evening, right? And don’t forget that we’ll have our usual offerings of dinner sandwiches and finger food -- plus plenty of donuts, cider, coffee, and ice cream!
Fall in New England: there’s really nothing quite like it. See you in October?
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Refund Policy:
A full refund will be issued if the cancellation request is made on or before fourteen calendar days before the scheduled event.