Please click here to register.
- Member - $10.00
- Currently Unemployed - $10.00
- Non-member - $25.00
Note: $5 extra will be charged if registering at the door.
Our monthly meetings are designed for all: the employed, the self-employed and those in transition. The goal is to enhance your technology awareness, share the most current thinking on training and help people learn while providing opportunities to network with your colleagues.
AGENDA 6:00 – 6:15 Informal Networking/dinner
6:15 – 6:30 ASTD Business & Announcements
6:30 – 7:30 The Five Superpowers of Learning for the Digital Age, Anders Gronstedt
7:30 – 7:45 Break
7:45 – 8:45 State of the Industry - ASTD national speaker, Chuck Salvetti, Director, Chapter Services, National ASTD
8:45 – 9:00 Closing Announcements
The Five Superpowers of Learning for the Digital Age, Anders Gronstedt
A new breed of game-savvy, socially-networked people are entering your work force, with little patience for the traditional doldrums of one-way, eLearning and webinar dronathons. They want to be engaged, in control and part of the storyline, with learning that focuses on doing, simulating, socializing, playing, sharing and collaborating. How are you reaching out and energizing a dispersed organization of digital nomads? In this session, we’ll discuss five design principles of the digital age:
1. Tell a story: Hollywood-style, character-rich, story-centered learning simulations are redefining learning-by-doing.
2. Play a game: Game concepts such as points, levels, time pressure, and cut scenes make learning engaging.
3. Make it social: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and similar company internal social networks are embedding learning in every-day work processes and connecting people with each other.
4. Make it immersive: A new generation browser-based, high fidelity 3-D virtual worlds are energizing learning.
5. Make it mobile: iPads and smart phones are changing the paradigm from employees coming to the class room to the class room coming to the employees.
Anders Gronstedt, Ph.D. ( ) is the president of Colorado-based Gronstedt Group, which helps global companies like Coldwell Banker, Deloitte, Dell, HP, Jamba Juice, Volvo Cars, Ericsson, Eli Lilly and United Healthcare improve performance with innovative learning approaches.
State of the Industry: Chuck Salvetti
ASTD’s State of the Industry report demonstrates that organizations are leveraging technology more than ever before to deliver training to employees, and learning professionals are managing their training functions with increased efficiency and effectiveness. Published for 15 years, the State of the Industry report details the training investments and practices of hundreds of organizations from a variety of industries.
Chuck Salvetti is the Director, Chapter Services for the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) in Alexandria, VA. ASTD is the world's largest professional association dedicated to the training and development field.
Rebecca's Cafe ( 275 Grove Street, Auburndale, MA 02459, 617-969-3382.
Note: There is no sign for Rebecca's on the street. 275 Grove St. is the Riverside Office Park, right next to the Riverside MBTA train and bus stop. Rebecca's is located at the back of the building, by the parking garage.