with Pamela Conway
March 29, 2023 from 12:30 to 1:30 PM
Virtual event - link in registration email
With the acceleration of change in today’s world, companies need to keep an eye on the innovations and disruptive technologies, but what department should be responsible for this? IT? Csuite? Sales? This webinar makes a strong case for learning and development teams to assume a role. Training departments are uniquely positioned to look across the whole organization and into each department seeing where and how new innovations can be leveraged. With responsibilities tied to upskilling, savvy training teams can begin their own upskilling as these changes are rising and therefore be better prepared to quickly pivot and upskill the rest of the organization. This webinar will examine how to stand up an innovation team, the benefits these teams can reap, how to be innovative even if you are a solo practitioner, imminent disruptive innovations and more.
Webinar Takeaways:
Pamela Conway is the Chief Learning Officer for Intellezy. Over a 30-year career in Learning and Development, she worked as an instructional designer, technical writer, trainer, elearning developer, and business owner. Pamela helped build the foundation for Intellezy’s organizational change management consulting practice and is the key architect behind Intellezy’s video training and quick reference card products. Pamela is passionate about learning in all its forms and is a vocal advocate of education’s crucial role in the success of today’s businesses.
Pamela is a graduate of Purdue University with an undergraduate degree in English and history and a MS candidate in Corporate Training and Communications. In her free time, she enjoys reading, creative writing, and mentoring.
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